Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
- Accept you as you are ( even though he/he is cuter than you)
- Believes in you ( except when you said you are cuter than him/her )
- Celebrates your success ( When there's food and drinks!!!)
- Defends you ( In a battle? )
- Encourage you
- Forgive you no matter what ( Sometimes... )
- Gives you what you need ( except money$$$$ )
- Has patience with you ( but not fart.... Ngee~ )
- Inspires you
- Judges you rarely but fairly ( But better judges them everyday LOL....)
- Keeps your secret ( Really?? )
- Loves you for who you are ( But love your boy/girlfriend the best )
- Makes you feel better
- Never abandon you ( Except when you are sleeping, eating... )
- Prods you
- Quells your fear
- Shares your joy and grief ( Not everyday or else you're in miserable )
- Tells you the truth ( Especially when you are a mess )
- Understand you best
- Values you ( Is it related with money$$$ ? )
- Wants the best of you
- Xpects the best of you
- Yanks you back in reality
- Zeros in on what's wrong ( Except FOOD!!! )
Fill up your days with lots of emotions!