Another compulsory activity of mine in this University. Wow, this time people has said it as 'Jalan Lasak' . I know it's hard for all of us to get to phase 3 as soon as possible without cooperation between the whole team.
We start at 8.00 a.m. but first of all, we ate first. Well, hahaha... As far as I knew, eat is important for all especially me... FYI, I'm Charlie's Squad member. We won the marching thing the other day and we hope to win for these tournament too. We got the spirit and we always cooperate with each other and I've always knew that we can do it if we put our heart and effort in it. But, if we doesn't win that day, I won't get ashamed cause we got a lot great people as friends and team mate. As long as we're having a good relationship of friendships, it's enough for me. I love my friends a lot. They are special in their way and love it for that.
We're the 6th team that would encounter the challenge to be as fast as we could to get to phase 3. Got a lot of mountain to climb... Huhu... I was hoping we could be the first team to start the journey cause if we start early, we can rest early and the weather won't be that hot and killing our skin. My skin has burnt and looks like a Zebra somehow. Our turn start exactly at 12 noon. I can't barely stand the hot and burning sun that day but I'll do my best for my team of course. I'm not that good when expressing my feeling, that day I was worrying about somebody. A close friend of mine, I know she's quite stubborn and I can't stop the things that she wanted to do. Looks like my dilemma was true, she got sick before we can get to phase 3. It's a relief that we've got medic on that day.
It's a lot of challenge before we can get to phase 3, we have to carry 5 bag pack maybe around 10-12kg. No idea but it's much more heavier than a sack of 10kg rice. I tried to carry it too, it's heavy for sure. After we get to the top, we were running. The feeling was uneasy when you're running while carrying a heavy bag pack, I'm feeling sick. I feel like I want to vomit. It's a good thing I didn't do that. Hahaha...
We got 3rd place and we proud of that. Never thought that we can achieved a good place. 1st place, of course the Alpha with 23 minutes, 2nd place was Golf with 25.57 second, we got 3rd place with 26.02 second. We lose just a few seconds but it's ok. We're the best team BTW.
Fill up your days with lots of emotions!

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