It's been a long while I haven't written anything in my blog. Miss you Blog... Hahaha... Well, it's not like I have forgotten to write but I've forgotten what should I do in my daily life for some period of time. Short-Term memory lost ( Finding Nemo ).
Just want to share something today. Suddenly, I recall a words which people told me before. That person once said that "The Person We love is the Person Whom We've always Hurt of". At first, I totally disagree with it for some reason. But then, I've noticed that these words is technically true somehow. I HOPE. Don't you think so?

BTW, nobody's perfect in this world to be precise, we forgive and forget that's more important isn't it? The more we've made mistake, the more we should learn from our mistake. Take it as a lesson for us to learn. Somehow mistake makes us stronger than we usually do. Just believe in God and the rest will be given to you. Have FAITH in Him, you'll always be given miracle. Trust me.
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