Hello Blog! Long time no post, Hahaha... Another semester has started this week, my spirit this year has totally drop down badly. I felt no spirit at all this year. A person has totally ruining my days but i know I should don't think about it. If that person knew and still thought that I was his friend then he wouldn't do such thing. I hope he get calm and consider about others.
Enough for the bad feeling, well this year is a new year and everyday is a new day so I should get started of something new and fresh. ^^ The class this year is quite a different. I've got many new classmate and new lecturers too. Simply put, I had fun during my classes. I knew it's a good thing. Well, according to Collin McCarty, life is a series of new horizons, new hopes, new days, and changes that comes. And we all need these things time to time.
Remember these things : Dream it. Do it and Discover how special you are. Be positive then you will attract positive energy and at the same time it will affect the outcome of many things. Ask for help when you need it: seek the wisdom the world holds and hold on to it. Make some progress every single day. Begin. Relieve and Become. Give yourself all the credit you're due: don't short change your qualities, your abilities, or any of the things that are so unique about you. remember how precious life can be. Imagine. Invest the time it takes to reach out for your dreams: it will bring you happiness that no money on earth can buy. don't be afraid: no mountain is too big to climb if you do it at your peace.
What's the best thing to do? That's simple: Do Your Best. And everything else will fall into place and open the gate of your success...
Fill up your days with lots of emotions!

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