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Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Some people get confuse with the means of honesty. But to be honest do you understand the terms of honesty anyway? Some people often says that as long as you do not mention anything about something it's equal to honesty. Really? If that's the case then they do not know what's the meaning of honesty then!?
Sometimes it's really difficult to spit out the word "TRUTH" especially when you had done something that would let others to worry about you, when you have done something wrong, when the truth may hurt others and truth may destroy someones life. It's just hard to live in this world especially when there's truth and lies but somehow these things are the elements that makes the world to go round and complete each other. Not every truth is bad and also that not every truth come up with positive effect. It is quite undeniable that somehow we need to tell lies depend on the situation.
I didn't teach you to tell lies but somehow if it's for good sake then you may do that, you don't want anything bad happens don't you? But when you ought to be very honest to someone, people would trust you with their whole heart without any doubts. I confess that I'm not very good with the word truth, I'd rather be quite than say anything that may hurt other people or something that may let other people worries about me. I don't feel much comfort in that situation. I would feel that I had become a burden to them but it also depends on the situation actually. In this case, I most likely to be quite & ate a lot of chocolate. hehe... It relieves, somehow there's an ingredients in the chocolate that can make my worries to go away in a speed of light ( I guess??? Hahahaha ) I love chocolate a lot = truth ^~^
When it was a small matter & that person cares about you a lot, you better tell them the truth cause they will feel that you do respect them. Other than that, they will always be pleased to help you in everything that you need and appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. It's hard to explain with words but I do know that Honesty is important but if that kind of honesty you need to tell was bad, sometimes you've be quite than say anything that may hurt other. But somehow, even though the truth may hurt, but sometimes it may change something whether it's for your own good or not but it will makes you strong. Life is that hard. In a nutshell, everything is depend on the situation.
Fill up your days with lots of emotions!

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