Before I went back to my hometown, before all of my classmates and friends went back to their hometown too, it's important for me to spend my time with all of them to make another memories. Memories is important to coloured up your days. That is why for these few days, I've been spending all of my time with them to anywhere they want to be. It has been days that I got to KK most and if my mom knows about it she's gonna blow-up. Well, it's not that it's wrong I have fun with my friends isn't it? As long as I didn't do anything wrong I think it's ok. Huhu.. ------> (A hardheaded girl = me). Back at home, I've got so many thing to do in just a day and I love to make my days busy, whether I play computer games, playing guitar, go out fellowship with my PYA friends, listening musics, painting/drawing, watching my favourite cartoons and movies and etc. Nothing changed about me, I still love to do many things in a day. During my STPM was the worst, a student with less study, I only studied during my P&P then nothing. I follow my mood, if I felt like it then I go studied. Worst isn't it? A word to describe me = Unbelievable. My attitude is still the same when I got here. hehe..
Yesterday was my happy + worst day too. Haha... I went to have fun again with my friends. We went to KBox in Karamunsing to sing our heart out before we got back to our hometown. This time I went there with Ain, Lynn, Mizan and Jack. Wow, it's my 1st time went to Karamunsing KBox. I thought that place was awesome... Why? Because the room was huge and I can play around the room freely. Maybe people would say that I'm crazy to jump and sleep all over the sofa. Haha...but I think it was fun and my friends Jack says so too. Make yourself at home.. Haha... Another best thing about that place was they got a lot of songs that I would really like to sing especially MYMP - Tell me where it hurts.---> (Happy)
Jollying around is a lot fun and at the same time, me = Si Buduh has done something. I have killed a thing. Guess? Haha, Maz@Xing2 has broke a glass. Jeng Jeng Jeng, too much playing around I guess? The 1st time in my life I went to a KBox and broke a glass. lots of my friends said that I'm naughty, I guess it's true. Haha.... Feeling guilty?? Definitely not and all of us were laughing about it. Scared? Well, a bit... Huhu.. Stupid isn't it? How can I broke a glass? Only the three of us knows about it? We just move out of the room without looking back as if we haven't done anything wrong. Keep in secret because I've made a crime... I hope they didn't recognize my face next sem because definitely I want to go back there if I feel like singing.
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Hadiah-hadiah sedang menanti anda. Ada piala pusingan padang.
Orang yang nombor satu akan menang
Orang yang nombor dua akan mendapat tempat kedua
Dan yang nombor tiga akan mendapat tempat ketiga
Yang kalah akan menjadi orang paling belakang?
Tempat : Lembah Bujang Sarawak
Jenis ikan yang perlu ditangkap
1. Ikan basung
2. Ikan kerapu
3. Ikan Shark
4. Ikan paus berwarna biru
5. Ikan duyung jantan
Ikan yang tidak boleh ditangkap
1. Ikan di kedai
2. Ikan mati
3. Ikan yang balik kampung
4. Ikan yang hilang & sesat
5. dan ikan di darat
Hadiah yang menanti anda ! !@#$%
1. Satu tin sardin cap pinggang ketam
2. 3 bungkus maggie cap kepala Udang
3. Satu bungkus belacan yang diperbuat daripada udang
4. Lima batang kayu balak yang telah dikupas kulitnya
Tarikh tutup akan diberitahu melalui e-mail anda
Untuk keterangan lanjut sila dail balai bomba dan balai polis atau telefon terus ke jabatan perhutanan Kota Kinabalu, Sabah @ Telefon Bukit padang sekali kah?
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Daniella, saya ada masalah bha, masalah ini kadang-kadang sukar untuk diubati walaupun makan panadol. Setiap malam kalau saya tidur ada saja yang mengganggu seperti mimpi hantu dan pontianak lelaki datang mengganggu ketenteraman jiwaku. Bagaimanakah menyelesaikan masalah ini? Tolong beri jawapan cepat-cepat.
Daripada saudara Elmau.
Jawapan : Ya saudara Harimau ops! silap bukan harimau tetapi Elmau. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah anda itu bukan susah senang saja, saudara kalau malam-malam mimpi hantu janganlah tidur di waktu malam, tidur siang-siang pasti tiada hantu mengganggu anda.
Daniella, saya masih remaja dan belia, masalah saya ini, saya rasakan diri seperti orangnya handsome apabila saya melihat cermin setiap bangun pagi. Adakah itu satu masalah. Tulung beri jawapan dengan sms kio and then kita dating boleh? Si handsome.
Jawapan : Ya, saudara perasan. Sebenarnya itu bukan satu masalah tapi satu kesilapan. Peace no war.
Hallow. Ne cerita saya, sejak kebelakangan ini, apabila saya naik bas saya selalu pening perut bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah ini? Tulung jawap dengan e-mail saya kio? Turiding gimpot.
Jawapan : Jangan naik bas. Jalan kaki baru kau tau.
Saudari Daniella, mengapakah saya ini selalu dilamun cinta setiap malam. Pagi dan tengahari. Bagaimanakah menyelesaikan masalah ini? Tugalang bin Guransai.
Jawapan : Kurangkan tinguk wayang Hindustan dan kalau mau tidur siring-siring katil supaya kalau jatuh anda lupa dilamun cinta kerana kesakitan
Sis Daniella, Saya inni seorang gurl yang IC bernombor 0123456789. Masalah saya IC saya hilang dan bukan itu saja, saya lupa nama di dalam IC saya. bagaimanakah menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan serta merta. Love : PTI
Jawapan : Itu senang saja, panggil polis dan minta tangkap supaya dihantar pulang free, label dan cop.
Daniella, kemarin, sewaktu saya makan ketam saya tak tahan kulitnya keras, macam ketam. Apa yang harus saya buat ini? Mat Udang.
Jawapan : Senang saja bha tu, tukar selera, makan udang tak payah susah-susah buka kulit.
Daniella, setiap hujung minggu, apabila kami pigi bersiar-siar kami selalu terjumpa ular di tengah jalan. Bagaimanakah menyelesaikan masalah ini supaya tidak jumpa ular di tengah-tengah jalan?
Jawapan : Jalan siring-siringSaudari Daniella, sejak kebelakangan ini saya selalu muntah-muntah. Kadang-kadang kahak saya bercampur hingus kekuning-kuningan dan hijau-hijauan. Adakah saya mengahadapi kencing manis atau darah tinggi?
Jawapan : Saudara sebenarnya bukan kena penyakit kencing manis atau darah tinggi tetapi saudara kena penyakit salesman ops! Silap bukan salesman tetapi selesma, iaitu hingus berwarna-warni. Untuk mengetahui penyakit anda seterusnya silalah panggil bomba.
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya telah ditawar untuk memegang jawatan sebagai ketua Biro sebuah agensi akhbar antarabangsa di Jakarta. Saya bercadang untuk pergi ke sana dua minggu lebih awal untuk menyesuaikan diri dan mengetahui sedikit sebanyak tentang negara tersebut bagi memudahkan tugas-tugas yang bakal saya jalankan nanti.
Tiba hari untuk berangkat saya dan isteri saya, Kathy dan anak lelaki kami, Andy, menaiki pesawat ke Kuala Lumpur dan seterusnya ke Jakarta. Nasib tidak menyebelahi kami hari itu kerana keadaan cuaca yang tidak begitu baik. Akhirnya, pesawat Boeing 737 yang kami naiki sering kali bergegar di udara. Keadaan inilah yang menakutkan Andy dan menyebabkan dia terus mengeluarkan bantal busuknya dari dalam beg dan langsung memeluknya dengan erat.
Begitulah keadaannya setiap kali dia berasa takut. Hanya bantal busuk itulah yang dapat menenangkannya. Malah tanpa benda itu Andy tidak boleh tidur. Dia seolah-olah kehilangan sesuatu yang amat disayanginya dan akan menangis dengan kuat sehinggalah ia dijumpai. Ke mana saja Andy pergi dia akan membawanya bersama.
Saya masih ingat suatu ketika dahulu entah macam mana bantal itu tiba-tiba hilang. Puas kami mencarinya tapi tidak jumpa-jumpa juga. Kami menjadi semakin resah apabila tangisan Andy semakin kuat. Kami cuba menenangkannya dengan memberikan benda-benda lain dengan harapan dapat menarik perhatiannya. Tapi bantal itu juga yang dia inginkan.
Nasib baik tidak lama kemudian setelah puas mencari satu rumah Kathy menjumpainya. Rupa-rupanya anjing kami, Browny, menyembunyikannya dibelakang peti sejuk. Selepas itu barulah Andy dapat tidur dengan nyenyak.
Setelah beberapa minggu di Jakarta saya telah diarahkan untuk membuat satu liputan berita di Kalimantan. Saya telah diminta untuk ke sana dengan secepat mungkin.
Ketika saya sibuk mengemas barang, Andy mengekori setiap langkah saya dan bertanya banyak soalan seperti ke mana saya hendak pergi; bila saya akan pulang; pergi dengan siapa; untuk apa dan naik apa. Apabila dia mendengar saya akan menaiki pesawat dia kelihatan resah tapi disebabkan saya berada dalam keadaan yang tergesa-gesa untuk bersiap ke Lapangan Terbang, saya tidak sempat bertanya apakah yang membuatnya kelihatan muram dan resah. Beberapa minit kemudian, kereta dari pejabat Biro saya pun tiba untuk menghantar saya ke lapangan terbang.
Setibanya saya ke Kalimantan saya terus ke hotel untuk menghilangkan rasa penat sebelum memulakan tugas. Apabila membuka beg pakaian, saya terkejut melihat bantal busuk Andy ada dalam beg pakaian tersebut. Tanpa membuang masa saya menelefon Kathy. Saya resah seandainya Andy kini sedang menangis dengan kuat mencari bantalnya yang 'Hilang'.
Apabila Kathy mengangkat telefon saya terus memberitahunya bahawa bantal Andy ada bersama saya. Kathy pula tidak berasa terkejut malah dia memberitahu saya bahawa dia tahu 'Bantal Busuk' Andy berada di dalam beg pakaian saya.
Dia menerangkan bahawa ketika saya dalam perjalanan ke lapangan terbang pagi tadi, dia terus mangajak Andy untuk berdoa agar saya selamat dalam perjalanan. Selesai saja berdoa, Andy terus berkata " Jangan takut Mak, Andy sudah meletakkan bantal Andy ke dalam beg papa supaya dia selalu berada dalam keadaan yang selamat" - ^~^
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
A last minute project to be precise but worth the risk cause we have done our best. I hope next time we would try our very best to produce another interesting movie and again become the next uninvited artist. Wahaha..... Maybe the next time you'll see me as the real Director ( In your dreams?? ) Well, everyone can have one don't they?
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Another great person that I know has made another great achievement for himself and even for my school. He's been my idol for the time I was studying in SMK Segama Lahad Datu during my secondary school.
For your information, My ex-Teacher namely Sir Dexter Silam, has been well-known in my hometown because of his ability to deliver his speech in front of the public. He's a public speaker and a debater too. I like the way he presented his speech and his courage to be in the center stage. Never told anybody about this before but actually he's the reason I encourage myself to get involve in debate and public speaking. I'm a talkative person since I was a little kid and so I thought that I should let myself involve in this kind of competition than having childhood dilemma (Huhuhu....).
Sir Dex has won a lot of competition for a long time already, he represent sabah for debates and speeches and he's been one of the best student in University Malaysia Sabah. I've been to his house before, you can see all his achievements all over the frame in his house. I'm envy of him a lot. This time he won another Speech competition and you can see his face in the Berita Harian 6 October 2010 ( I'm jealous3x !!!! )
Well, I've only represented Sabah once as a english orator in the Anti-Corruption Agency once I was nominated as winner for the state level. It was all Sir Dex guidance that I got to Johor for the National Level to compete with other best orator. I'm so excited and it was totally unbelievable that I did won the competition in Keningau. Sir Dex once told me before, nothing is impossible if you really put your effort in it. I think that it's true somehow. When I got to the National Level, I was in 4th place but it was a total great experience of my life.
Thanks Sir for the wonderful days.
For your information, My ex-Teacher namely Sir Dexter Silam, has been well-known in my hometown because of his ability to deliver his speech in front of the public. He's a public speaker and a debater too. I like the way he presented his speech and his courage to be in the center stage. Never told anybody about this before but actually he's the reason I encourage myself to get involve in debate and public speaking. I'm a talkative person since I was a little kid and so I thought that I should let myself involve in this kind of competition than having childhood dilemma (Huhuhu....).
Sir Dex has won a lot of competition for a long time already, he represent sabah for debates and speeches and he's been one of the best student in University Malaysia Sabah. I've been to his house before, you can see all his achievements all over the frame in his house. I'm envy of him a lot. This time he won another Speech competition and you can see his face in the Berita Harian 6 October 2010 ( I'm jealous3x !!!! )
Well, I've only represented Sabah once as a english orator in the Anti-Corruption Agency once I was nominated as winner for the state level. It was all Sir Dex guidance that I got to Johor for the National Level to compete with other best orator. I'm so excited and it was totally unbelievable that I did won the competition in Keningau. Sir Dex once told me before, nothing is impossible if you really put your effort in it. I think that it's true somehow. When I got to the National Level, I was in 4th place but it was a total great experience of my life.
Thanks Sir for the wonderful days.
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Another compulsory activity of mine in this University. Wow, this time people has said it as 'Jalan Lasak' . I know it's hard for all of us to get to phase 3 as soon as possible without cooperation between the whole team.
We start at 8.00 a.m. but first of all, we ate first. Well, hahaha... As far as I knew, eat is important for all especially me... FYI, I'm Charlie's Squad member. We won the marching thing the other day and we hope to win for these tournament too. We got the spirit and we always cooperate with each other and I've always knew that we can do it if we put our heart and effort in it. But, if we doesn't win that day, I won't get ashamed cause we got a lot great people as friends and team mate. As long as we're having a good relationship of friendships, it's enough for me. I love my friends a lot. They are special in their way and love it for that.
We're the 6th team that would encounter the challenge to be as fast as we could to get to phase 3. Got a lot of mountain to climb... Huhu... I was hoping we could be the first team to start the journey cause if we start early, we can rest early and the weather won't be that hot and killing our skin. My skin has burnt and looks like a Zebra somehow. Our turn start exactly at 12 noon. I can't barely stand the hot and burning sun that day but I'll do my best for my team of course. I'm not that good when expressing my feeling, that day I was worrying about somebody. A close friend of mine, I know she's quite stubborn and I can't stop the things that she wanted to do. Looks like my dilemma was true, she got sick before we can get to phase 3. It's a relief that we've got medic on that day.
It's a lot of challenge before we can get to phase 3, we have to carry 5 bag pack maybe around 10-12kg. No idea but it's much more heavier than a sack of 10kg rice. I tried to carry it too, it's heavy for sure. After we get to the top, we were running. The feeling was uneasy when you're running while carrying a heavy bag pack, I'm feeling sick. I feel like I want to vomit. It's a good thing I didn't do that. Hahaha...
We got 3rd place and we proud of that. Never thought that we can achieved a good place. 1st place, of course the Alpha with 23 minutes, 2nd place was Golf with 25.57 second, we got 3rd place with 26.02 second. We lose just a few seconds but it's ok. We're the best team BTW.
We start at 8.00 a.m. but first of all, we ate first. Well, hahaha... As far as I knew, eat is important for all especially me... FYI, I'm Charlie's Squad member. We won the marching thing the other day and we hope to win for these tournament too. We got the spirit and we always cooperate with each other and I've always knew that we can do it if we put our heart and effort in it. But, if we doesn't win that day, I won't get ashamed cause we got a lot great people as friends and team mate. As long as we're having a good relationship of friendships, it's enough for me. I love my friends a lot. They are special in their way and love it for that.
We're the 6th team that would encounter the challenge to be as fast as we could to get to phase 3. Got a lot of mountain to climb... Huhu... I was hoping we could be the first team to start the journey cause if we start early, we can rest early and the weather won't be that hot and killing our skin. My skin has burnt and looks like a Zebra somehow. Our turn start exactly at 12 noon. I can't barely stand the hot and burning sun that day but I'll do my best for my team of course. I'm not that good when expressing my feeling, that day I was worrying about somebody. A close friend of mine, I know she's quite stubborn and I can't stop the things that she wanted to do. Looks like my dilemma was true, she got sick before we can get to phase 3. It's a relief that we've got medic on that day.
It's a lot of challenge before we can get to phase 3, we have to carry 5 bag pack maybe around 10-12kg. No idea but it's much more heavier than a sack of 10kg rice. I tried to carry it too, it's heavy for sure. After we get to the top, we were running. The feeling was uneasy when you're running while carrying a heavy bag pack, I'm feeling sick. I feel like I want to vomit. It's a good thing I didn't do that. Hahaha...
We got 3rd place and we proud of that. Never thought that we can achieved a good place. 1st place, of course the Alpha with 23 minutes, 2nd place was Golf with 25.57 second, we got 3rd place with 26.02 second. We lose just a few seconds but it's ok. We're the best team BTW.
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Nobody's perfect in this world especially human. We often made mistakes without notice that we might hurt somebody. Well, at least I notice it earlier and I think it's not that bad if you realize it much more earlier. Hahaha...
I realized something last night that even I'm quite friendly but still I got some rude manner. I don't know why it stuck into my head last night. I found out that I somehow spoiled my good relationship to my friends with my words. You know, the way I talk to somebody especially when I don't like something. Hai.... What's happening to me, being rude is not the best way to treat someone but I kept on going to act like one. This is so unbelievable.
Seems like I've always hurt all of my precious person.... I really don't mean it but the words of the rude always come out of my mouth non-stop somehow. Hm....
I realized something last night that even I'm quite friendly but still I got some rude manner. I don't know why it stuck into my head last night. I found out that I somehow spoiled my good relationship to my friends with my words. You know, the way I talk to somebody especially when I don't like something. Hai.... What's happening to me, being rude is not the best way to treat someone but I kept on going to act like one. This is so unbelievable.
Seems like I've always hurt all of my precious person.... I really don't mean it but the words of the rude always come out of my mouth non-stop somehow. Hm....
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Marching? Haha, Definitely not my favourite Kokum since I was in my High School Days....
The most weird part was that I never stop joining marching activities though. Well, back then it's because my school don't really have much student so that's the reason I take part I guess?
Without notice that I'm actually like Marching day by day. Usually, I would have that grumpy looks on my face every Monday as we have marching practices. I really don't like to be shouted all times but I never shows my opposite attitude towards any commander. They're my seniors, I had to respect them as they have staying here much more longer than I am. I don't care how old they are I would always respect as they do. Cause we can't forget for who we are, manners what's the most important thing in this life that's for sure.
Today we were having our Marching Competition. Some mistakes happens when we were inside the battle field & our commander was feeling guilty about it. She never stops blaming herself for the mistake that she has done & somehow our group doesn't really care about it as long as we do our best together. We even jokes around and it never stops. Even though, we come from different courses, races, religion and ages, we still can co-operate with each other. This is what I really happy about my team mate. Maybe that's the reason we won 1st prize in the competition. Go Charlie Go!
The most weird part was that I never stop joining marching activities though. Well, back then it's because my school don't really have much student so that's the reason I take part I guess?
Without notice that I'm actually like Marching day by day. Usually, I would have that grumpy looks on my face every Monday as we have marching practices. I really don't like to be shouted all times but I never shows my opposite attitude towards any commander. They're my seniors, I had to respect them as they have staying here much more longer than I am. I don't care how old they are I would always respect as they do. Cause we can't forget for who we are, manners what's the most important thing in this life that's for sure.
Today we were having our Marching Competition. Some mistakes happens when we were inside the battle field & our commander was feeling guilty about it. She never stops blaming herself for the mistake that she has done & somehow our group doesn't really care about it as long as we do our best together. We even jokes around and it never stops. Even though, we come from different courses, races, religion and ages, we still can co-operate with each other. This is what I really happy about my team mate. Maybe that's the reason we won 1st prize in the competition. Go Charlie Go!

Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Wow, I'm already back to Cluster... I'm too darn sleepy & exhausted. My mind is out of these place, still thinking about my holidays... Hehe...
Everything was on vacation during my 2 weeks holiday, I had become a slow poke and rest quite a lot too. Never thought of study, my assignment were in a grinding halt situation. I think I might be doomed for it. Why Am I so lazy nowadays? I should bring along some hardworking pills, the main point is, are there really hardworking pills? Hello.... This is not a fairytale or even Doraemon was not real, it's just fantasy young lady... Get real, you're in reality.
Do not let yourself to be a lot of rest or you will be left behind, get a lot of reality check or you'll stay in dreams forever.
Everything was on vacation during my 2 weeks holiday, I had become a slow poke and rest quite a lot too. Never thought of study, my assignment were in a grinding halt situation. I think I might be doomed for it. Why Am I so lazy nowadays? I should bring along some hardworking pills, the main point is, are there really hardworking pills? Hello.... This is not a fairytale or even Doraemon was not real, it's just fantasy young lady... Get real, you're in reality.
Do not let yourself to be a lot of rest or you will be left behind, get a lot of reality check or you'll stay in dreams forever.
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Yesterday was one of my great experience in this place called U _ _ _ . Hehe.. There's some senior who offered us to go out to eat again, I'm really excited seemed like everybody was quite friendly here. The best part was the seniors offered us that the meals were their treat for us ( Eco class ), well which person would reject that right? They offeres to sent us to 1B and they too sent us back to our klaster. ^~^
We went there for two trip, Girls first then Boys. Before we went for 1B, one of my gal friend says she had to meet her father first so we left her in Indah Permai first as the senior said she would pick her up later. What's so surprising was the senior had forgotten to pick her up that day.. I was quite surprise, I wasn't expecting this thing can happen. I'm not the one who's driving so I have no right to voice up. All 7 of us were there but we lack of someone. I didn't forget about her existence just I'm stuck in the middle, I'm worried about her and at the same time I'm scared to asked my senior to go and pick her up as I thought it would be very disturbing.
I was trying to reach my friend but then suddenly my friend called me and ask, I was like speechless that time. My throat was out of words to say, I felt guilty. She's mad and I knew she would. Who can't be mad when someone had totally forgotten about you? If I was in her place, I would felt that my friends had abandoned me and at the same time I would felt like crying cause I'm alone. Well, I'm reaaally am Sorry my friend.
I got back to Klaster A about 8.50 p.m. , I rushed to my room & got change then I went to her room. I'm trying to spit the word sorry and I did. It's just that, I'm sucks when the heart to heart talks came up. I've never told anyone about my feeling even to mom, no idea why it's always hard to do that. Maybe cause I've used to depend on myself since I was little. I've never even told about myself to my family except that I have no choice. My mom was kind a strict and always angry back then so maybe it's the effect of that I've became like this. Really sucks with feelings related conversation.....
My friends and I really did felt guilty, we want to talk to my friend about the things that had happened last night. But we didn't know how to spit the words. I hope she really understand that we've trying to reach her, we do care about her a lot. She's our friend and always will be.
Well, I dedicated this song for my friend it's a song from Miley Cyrus entitled Right Here.
I hope you like it. ^~^
We went there for two trip, Girls first then Boys. Before we went for 1B, one of my gal friend says she had to meet her father first so we left her in Indah Permai first as the senior said she would pick her up later. What's so surprising was the senior had forgotten to pick her up that day.. I was quite surprise, I wasn't expecting this thing can happen. I'm not the one who's driving so I have no right to voice up. All 7 of us were there but we lack of someone. I didn't forget about her existence just I'm stuck in the middle, I'm worried about her and at the same time I'm scared to asked my senior to go and pick her up as I thought it would be very disturbing.
I was trying to reach my friend but then suddenly my friend called me and ask, I was like speechless that time. My throat was out of words to say, I felt guilty. She's mad and I knew she would. Who can't be mad when someone had totally forgotten about you? If I was in her place, I would felt that my friends had abandoned me and at the same time I would felt like crying cause I'm alone. Well, I'm reaaally am Sorry my friend.
I got back to Klaster A about 8.50 p.m. , I rushed to my room & got change then I went to her room. I'm trying to spit the word sorry and I did. It's just that, I'm sucks when the heart to heart talks came up. I've never told anyone about my feeling even to mom, no idea why it's always hard to do that. Maybe cause I've used to depend on myself since I was little. I've never even told about myself to my family except that I have no choice. My mom was kind a strict and always angry back then so maybe it's the effect of that I've became like this. Really sucks with feelings related conversation.....
My friends and I really did felt guilty, we want to talk to my friend about the things that had happened last night. But we didn't know how to spit the words. I hope she really understand that we've trying to reach her, we do care about her a lot. She's our friend and always will be.
Well, I dedicated this song for my friend it's a song from Miley Cyrus entitled Right Here.
I hope you like it. ^~^
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Pada bulan kemerdekaan kali ini, saya tidak berpeluang untuk berjalan-jalan bersama keluarga untuk sama-sama menyambut hari merdeka seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Namun, itu bukanlah batu penghalang untukku menenangkan minda dan bersuka ria. Walaupun kawan aku yang mengajak aku untuk keluar mungkir janji, masih ada lagi kawan yang lain yang boleh menemani aku.I'm lucky for that.
Tidak dinafikan, aku keluar dengan " Queen of teasing " ke 1 Borneo kali ini. Dia membawa aku keluar bersama bekas rakan sekelasnya. Pada mulanya, gue rasa kekok bangat !! Apa tidaknya, ramai pula kawan dia hampir the whole class pla tue.. Takpe, aku ne pandai gak menyesuaikan diri m'ngikut keadaan... Bak kata pepatah Masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang lembu mnguak.It's a good thing kawan-kawan Ain ne quite hospitality, they treat me like one of them. It's really a relief. Ada seorang kawan dia nak ke Universiti of Liverpool, hu..... Hebat... I'm quite envy of him.
Ketika aku sedang membuang masa ne, aku terjumpa pla kamcing aku time skul menengah dulu. Sempat jg berbual ngan my ex-schoolmate. Langsung tak berubah budak ne, masih macam dulu gak perangai hantu dia tue. Bgus jugalh, aku pn tk pernah berubah. Paling gue ngak sangka, kawan dia yang dia bawa jalan-jalan tu cakap ngan aku " Cara & gaya-gaya ko bercakap ne melucukan pla " I was like, really? Well, I dont care that's Okay as long as they felt amusing Hahaha....
Kami pergi ke pusat permainan, bermain bowling, watching movies & yang paling penting... EAT ( sewaktu berbuka ) ! Entahlh kenapa time ne t'ingin sangat gue jalan-jalan, macam ada sesuatu yang membuat ku rasakan bagai ada kekurangan pada hari itu. Nasib baik ada juga orang yang sanggup menemani aku jalan-jalan. Disebabkan terlalu happy, lewat pula tue kami pulang klaster. Nasib baik ada kawan aku Hadi yang kebetulan terlupa bawa pulang laptop dia yang telah ditinggalkan dalam 1B... Adakah patut tapi disebabkan dia terlupa bawa laptop dia tuelah aku dapat pulang dengan free & awal skit. Huhu... Definitely, I'm really am lucky, I guess???
Apa -apa pn, I had fun, knowing so many friend in just one day even without my family. BTW, Selamat menyambut Bulan kemerdekaan semua... ^~^
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Some people get confuse with the means of honesty. But to be honest do you understand the terms of honesty anyway? Some people often says that as long as you do not mention anything about something it's equal to honesty. Really? If that's the case then they do not know what's the meaning of honesty then!?
Sometimes it's really difficult to spit out the word "TRUTH" especially when you had done something that would let others to worry about you, when you have done something wrong, when the truth may hurt others and truth may destroy someones life. It's just hard to live in this world especially when there's truth and lies but somehow these things are the elements that makes the world to go round and complete each other. Not every truth is bad and also that not every truth come up with positive effect. It is quite undeniable that somehow we need to tell lies depend on the situation.
I didn't teach you to tell lies but somehow if it's for good sake then you may do that, you don't want anything bad happens don't you? But when you ought to be very honest to someone, people would trust you with their whole heart without any doubts. I confess that I'm not very good with the word truth, I'd rather be quite than say anything that may hurt other people or something that may let other people worries about me. I don't feel much comfort in that situation. I would feel that I had become a burden to them but it also depends on the situation actually. In this case, I most likely to be quite & ate a lot of chocolate. hehe... It relieves, somehow there's an ingredients in the chocolate that can make my worries to go away in a speed of light ( I guess??? Hahahaha ) I love chocolate a lot = truth ^~^
When it was a small matter & that person cares about you a lot, you better tell them the truth cause they will feel that you do respect them. Other than that, they will always be pleased to help you in everything that you need and appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. It's hard to explain with words but I do know that Honesty is important but if that kind of honesty you need to tell was bad, sometimes you've be quite than say anything that may hurt other. But somehow, even though the truth may hurt, but sometimes it may change something whether it's for your own good or not but it will makes you strong. Life is that hard. In a nutshell, everything is depend on the situation.
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Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Get grateful now??? Huhu, A post from Nubia Group today. I like it a lot. ( Well, most of the post from Nubia Group I have always admire & like it so hahaha.. It seems like I do love everything from Nubia ) But to be precise, we should be grateful for all the times in our lives. Even though life gave us lemon, we should accept the lemon cause not everyday is a perfect day. Everybody has harsh time even for me. ^ ^
Some people just can't be grateful because they hated their fate a lot & always claim that fate can't be change. But what is fate actually? It seems that I barely understand the terms. Everybody say that fate had been written and only God knows what our fate is. Some people said that it is our decision to choose our path of life, but if we choose the right path would our fate change too? These things has been stuck in my mind lately cause I'm always wondering what my fate will be the next day. But if I keep on searching then I will loose myself so I just wait & see what my fate is going to happen in future. I can only do my best for today so I can keep on moving forward ( haha, quite the same as Disney's Meet the Robinson quote = Keep moving forward) without returning back. I have always says and stands for no regret!
The other thing is that really that hard to forgive someone mistake? Nobody's perfect in this world especially mortal. I'm a mortal, I've always done mistakes but if someone hurt my feeling I seems to be hardly forget the things they have done. Is that mean that even though I forgive the person fault but still I can't forget the things they have done to me count as I never do forgive them? I want to change, right now I'm trying to hold the word
" Give Change A Chance" & so far I manage to follow the meaning of these word. I hope everyone do too. If you carry the burden of not forgiving & forgetting someone's mistake even though they have apologize the things they have made, how can others forgive & forget the things you have done to them? Isn't that the same? (Karma I suppose? )
I'm not a total genius, that's my only opinion so I'm starting to change myself. Not entirely change, I'm still me just if there's a positive changes then I should follow the right line. Same goes to you too.... That's the way to create a good human capital in you even myself. Good Luck!
Some people just can't be grateful because they hated their fate a lot & always claim that fate can't be change. But what is fate actually? It seems that I barely understand the terms. Everybody say that fate had been written and only God knows what our fate is. Some people said that it is our decision to choose our path of life, but if we choose the right path would our fate change too? These things has been stuck in my mind lately cause I'm always wondering what my fate will be the next day. But if I keep on searching then I will loose myself so I just wait & see what my fate is going to happen in future. I can only do my best for today so I can keep on moving forward ( haha, quite the same as Disney's Meet the Robinson quote = Keep moving forward) without returning back. I have always says and stands for no regret!
The other thing is that really that hard to forgive someone mistake? Nobody's perfect in this world especially mortal. I'm a mortal, I've always done mistakes but if someone hurt my feeling I seems to be hardly forget the things they have done. Is that mean that even though I forgive the person fault but still I can't forget the things they have done to me count as I never do forgive them? I want to change, right now I'm trying to hold the word
" Give Change A Chance" & so far I manage to follow the meaning of these word. I hope everyone do too. If you carry the burden of not forgiving & forgetting someone's mistake even though they have apologize the things they have made, how can others forgive & forget the things you have done to them? Isn't that the same? (Karma I suppose? )
I'm not a total genius, that's my only opinion so I'm starting to change myself. Not entirely change, I'm still me just if there's a positive changes then I should follow the right line. Same goes to you too.... That's the way to create a good human capital in you even myself. Good Luck!
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
A quote that I given myself so that I can be strong & determine in my life.... I hope people don't accept it literally without understanding what I've mean...
Another amusing quote I've created for myself as you know I've always understand things the other way around. Wahaha..... I hope people can always put their heart & effort in doing things, for me if you don't like something or someone, your heart will never be there & everything will fall apart. It's true right?Life's a game, you may win or you may lose. No matter what cards you get whether CLUB, SPADE or DIAMOND, alwaYs remember never play without A HEART.....
Have you ever noticed when you were trying to get something done or understanding something, it's always gonna be hard if you do not like to do the stuff that you have to do? I still remembered my primary school days, where I studied for Form 4 & 5 in the Science Stream class cause everyone said I would score in the A - Level subject as I got flying colours in my PMR results( but I can't tell what the result really was cause it would be bragging... Hahaha ) Gee, I don't really like my Science Stream class. I've never studied & always love to skipped classes... Huhu..
As a result, my SPM were in bad grade. Quite a disappointed but things already happened & life should have no regret so I decided to continue to work as a stewardess. Really fortunate that I got the offer, it was my dream long time ago... Wow, it was so unbelievable & I was very Happy that time... But, just like people alwaYs said, you'll never know things that may happen in life. My grandfahther passed away the day I accepted the offer, so I can't go to Kuala Lumpur & accept for the offer from Transair cause we were sort of everything, many things happened that time.It's just like a game, I've become a winner & at the same time I've become a looser. But I' just follow the flow of my life, I went to find a job. Then, a few months later, some of my school teacher asked me to continue study for Form 6 and I followed their advices even though my mom & dad doesn't really encourage me to do so cause they know that my heart was not in study anymore. Well, actually I've been offered to study in SMK Agaseh to study for Science Stream but I have made my decision not to. So, I'm taking economy....??? Well, I continued study at my previous school SMK Segama & my school doesn't offered many subject for Form 6, the only subject I can have there were history, P.Am, economy, geography & B. Malaysia... (but I Love this school a lot, got a lot of memories there so I decide to study whatever there are???) I have taken P. Am, BM, History & Economy.
Quite hilarious cause I don't have basic for economy subject, I was like blurry in my first day of class. ( Everything was like Ha?Ha?Ha?Ha? ) But, thank God I've got a lot of encouraging teachers & friends, I'm grateful that they cared about me so much. I've never alone. They have faith in me so I had to made my faith grow & keep it. Suddenly, I'm falling in love with the subject that I've taken in Form 6, I'm glad. To tell the truth I'm not struggling in my study that much maybe cause I love the subject, my heart was there. I've succeed & now here I am in U_ _ _ (???). Maybe I've destined to be here..... But still my heart does belong somewhere & I missed them especially my Beloved Family, Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA) Family, my Guitar & to a place where spring time is filled with Cherry Blossom.. I wish I can be there a.s.a.p, I know it's gonna be A wonderful feeling...
I wish I can be just like that girl in the picture watching my favourite flower to bloom.... A wondrous place I like to be with my loved ones. My Dreams always gonna be a reality, I hope.
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Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
Cuaca petang ne sungguh panas, bosan pula saya dalam bilik. Tak banyak perkara yang boleh dilakukan.
Roomate saya semuanya nyenyak tidur, gue pula yang tak dapat tidur sebab dah menjadi satu kebiasaan bagi gue untuk tidak tidur di waktu petang ( Ada orang kata jika seseorang itu tidur di waktu petang maka otaknya akan menjadi lembab??? Hahaha.... ) Ayat inilah yang telah mengubah tabiat aku untuk tidur di waktu petang agaknya, sebaliknya pada waktu-waktu yang lain, selalu pula saya ni tidur.... Hahaha.... ( Sleepy head )
If I had A second chance??? Hm... Bagi saya pula, peluang kedua ni hanya layak bagi orang yang benar-benar menghargainya.. Begitu juga dengan persahabatan, saya tak pernah meragui keikhlasan daripada rakan-rakan saya. Seandainya mereka melakukan sesuatu yang benar-benar melukakan hati ini, (Aiseh...) saya tidak benci akan apa yang mereka telah lakukan dan juga dapat memaafkan mereka. Namun, kesannya akan dirasai kerana saya akan cuba mengasingkan diri daripada orang itu secara perlahan-lahan walaupun mereka sudah meminta maaf... ( Semua orang pun macam itukan?? Mungkin??? ) tanpa mereka sedari...
Dah puas dah saya rasakan perasaan ini cuma saya hanya boleh salahkan diri sendiri kerana mempercayai mereka sebelum ini... Apa nak buat, saya ni mang orang yang tak ketentuan pun... ( ERRATIC I supposed to say ) Even some of my friend pun cakap aku ni orang yang sukar difahami, tak ada ribut @ taufan tiba-tiba jadi senyap dan kadangkala menjadi seorang yang bising pada hari yang sama... Apa-apalah yang penting gue bahagia... Hahaha....^~^
Roomate saya semuanya nyenyak tidur, gue pula yang tak dapat tidur sebab dah menjadi satu kebiasaan bagi gue untuk tidak tidur di waktu petang ( Ada orang kata jika seseorang itu tidur di waktu petang maka otaknya akan menjadi lembab??? Hahaha.... ) Ayat inilah yang telah mengubah tabiat aku untuk tidur di waktu petang agaknya, sebaliknya pada waktu-waktu yang lain, selalu pula saya ni tidur.... Hahaha.... ( Sleepy head )
Apa lagi, pada waktu lapang macam inilah saya paling suka dengar lagu, macam dah jadi orang yang pekak pula tu, langsung tak pedulikan bunyi-bunyi yang lain... Apa tidaknya, dengar dalam nada maksimum... hahaha....
Sejak saya berada kat UiTM ne, macam-macam perkara yang berlaku. Ingatkn boleh juga jadi pelajar yang LP ( Low Profile ) di tempat ni... Bukan apa cuma, kalau HP ( High Profile ) ni, macam-macam kritikan yang akan kita dengar terutamanya jika ada orang yang kurang suka akan kita... TAPI..... Susah pula kalau jadi macam tu kat sini, nanti apa-apa perkara yang berlaku di sekeliling kita tidak tahu... Macamlah tak biasa, padahal masa sekolah menengah dulu pernah juga jadi ketua pelajar sekaligus jadi ketua pengawas sekolah... Cuma bezanya saya masih baru kat tempat ni, perasaan takut tu masih ada.... Mahu tak mahu terpaksalah aktif dalam apa-apa bidang yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan... Pedulilah apa orang lain nak kata & fikir, sometimes critics makes us strong...Kelab Mandarin lagilah, tak sangka pla jadi bendahari untuk next Semester... Waduh-waduh, kerja mengumpul duit nilah yang paling gue ngak suka ne...
Takkanlah aku ni ditakdirkan untuk bersahabat dengan Mr Crab??? Dia ni lagi???
Asyik-asyik duit saja yang diutamakan....
Walaubagaimanapun, dah menjadi undian majoriti so aku kenalah terima cabaran ini.... Apa boleh buat...??
Hm... Banyak juga laman web yang saya layari hari ini.... Suka pula saya dengan apa yang saya download ne.....
If I had A second chance??? Hm... Bagi saya pula, peluang kedua ni hanya layak bagi orang yang benar-benar menghargainya.. Begitu juga dengan persahabatan, saya tak pernah meragui keikhlasan daripada rakan-rakan saya. Seandainya mereka melakukan sesuatu yang benar-benar melukakan hati ini, (Aiseh...) saya tidak benci akan apa yang mereka telah lakukan dan juga dapat memaafkan mereka. Namun, kesannya akan dirasai kerana saya akan cuba mengasingkan diri daripada orang itu secara perlahan-lahan walaupun mereka sudah meminta maaf... ( Semua orang pun macam itukan?? Mungkin??? ) tanpa mereka sedari...
Dah puas dah saya rasakan perasaan ini cuma saya hanya boleh salahkan diri sendiri kerana mempercayai mereka sebelum ini... Apa nak buat, saya ni mang orang yang tak ketentuan pun... ( ERRATIC I supposed to say ) Even some of my friend pun cakap aku ni orang yang sukar difahami, tak ada ribut @ taufan tiba-tiba jadi senyap dan kadangkala menjadi seorang yang bising pada hari yang sama... Apa-apalah yang penting gue bahagia... Hahaha....^~^
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing

For Special People In Your Life....
They were designed by Peter Van de Werken, who owns a flower company close to Den Bosch in southern Holland.
Rainbow roses are real roses, but they can't be purchased as a rose bush. They are only available as cut or dried flowers.
These special roses are made by inserting dye into the stem of the roses while they are growing, which results in the color being absorbed by the petals of the flower.
They are not easy to make, as they take a bit of careful engineering.
Rainbow roses are used to create unusual and striking floral arrangements, wedding bouquets, and they are often given as gifts.
People either love them, or hate them.
There is no middle ground with these brightly colored flowers in shades of blue, purple, green, orange, pink, and yellow.How Much Are Rainbow Roses?
It's A Blooming Business has rainbow roses in brilliant arrangements and various pricepoints.
For example, 5 rainbow roses in a bouquet of greenery starts at $55(RM179.307), and 2 dozen rainbow roses can cost as much as $325(RM1,059.54).Now, if you are going to spend a small fortune on rainbow roses, you may want to consider the freeze-dried version that you can keep around for years at a time. Freeze-dried rainbow roses are available from a place called Happy Roses. Happy roses are shipped from the Netherlands to all over the world.
The fact remains, these beautiful and unique roses are difficult to come by as there are very few vendors selling rainbow roses.
For a similar look and feel you can purchase a rainbow bouquet of flowers where each flower is a different color. This still makes a beautiful bouquet that will brighten up your home or wedding. Some examples of this are the Just Splendid Roses, or the Brilliant Beauty, both are offered by Teleflora.Designed:- by Peter Van de Werken.. ^~^
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
I have NO IDEA what to post inside my BLOG....
My mind has suddenly JAM ??? Maybe it's because of the weather here...
Seems to be everyday my head will have migrain lately, so very uncomfy & I really hate it A lot !!! (T.T) felt like crying.... My head spins..... @.@
But it's OK, A Smile is an act of love.... Let us then have A SMILE & in this way be a source of JOY !!!
It's actually a quote written by P.Charles but Sister Rusiah is the one who reminds me the word...
Somehow, I thought that maybe she's the one who wrote the quote... Kidding... ^~^
I have not much problem after I entered UiTM ( a wonderful place I've been ), just some MONETARY problem.... hu....
It's not just me actually but Every PART 1 student.... Everyone would just have the words :
"To all part 1 student, please pay BLAh BLAh BLAh..." It seems like everyone has become Mr. Crab (Sponebob Squarepants) in this place... Hehehe......
Every night, there would be Dikir practise in cafeteria A. So loud & somehow disturb my concentration quite a bit... but I Understand ^~^
Poor them, they have to sleep late too....
I have fun though.... Seems to be like everyone is nice in my sight obeservation...
I'm Happy ^~^
Just like = No money no talk, no PAin No gain...... So, stop complaining young lady!!!!
Peace can be found inside you.....

( You Go Girl!!! )
Posted by
Mazdollyna Majalin / Xing-Xing
I dont really understand what they have talk about but I really love the little girl dance....
So cute & almost exactly the way "Wonder Girls" dance move... ^~^
Fill up your days with lots of emotions!